Ceiling Repair – How to Deal With Ceiling Problems

Whether built from lath and plaster or drywall, ceilings can suffer damage over time. It’s important to take care of any issues with ceilings quickly so that they don’t worsen.

Water stains and leaks must be addressed immediately to prevent serious structural problems and microbial growth. Drying the ceilings will also help to protect against further problems. Contact Ceiling Repair Perth now!

Almost every home develops cracks in its ceiling at some point, and the way you deal with them can have a huge impact on the structural soundness of your home. Knowing how to distinguish between cosmetic cracks and those that indicate serious damage is vitally important, and examining the shape, size and amount of cracking can help you figure out what might be causing it.

Generally, small, thin cracks in plaster ceilings aren’t anything to worry about and can often be repaired simply by repainting or replastering. However, if the cracks are long, wide or in a continuous line, they may indicate that there’s an issue with your building’s foundation that needs to be addressed. Cracks that are accompanied by sagging also require immediate attention.

Similarly, cracks that appear in walls and floorboards as well as the ceiling are typically indicative of major structural problems, which is why it’s wise to get a professional opinion from a foundation or structural engineer. These professionals are trained to spot red flags and recommend solutions, preventing further damage before it becomes a more serious problem. If a crack reappears in the same place after being repaired, this is another clear indicator that something isn’t right and should be looked at again. The longer you wait to repair a problem, the more expensive it will be. It’s always cheaper and safer to address it early on.

Water Damage

The best thing to do when a ceiling begins to show signs of water damage is to call in a professional for help. The first step is to work out where the water is coming from, so that you can fix it quickly and stop it from returning. This may require cutting a hole in the ceiling, and this is a job that should be done by a professional.

The next step is to dry the affected areas. This can take some time, but it’s vital that all moisture is eradicated. Drywall holds on to water surprisingly well, and if it’s not completely dried out before patching, the repair will likely fail. It’s also a good idea to move all furniture and possessions away from the area and use fans to speed up the drying process.

Once the areas are dry, it’s a good idea to take a moisture reading and see if any of the drywall has developed mold or mildew. If it has, then you will need to replace that section of the ceiling. It’s a good idea to speak with your home insurance provider about this as they may cover some or all of the repair costs. They may even arrange the whole job for you, which will include cleaning up and drying out the affected areas and putting in new drywall. This is a good option if the damage to your ceiling is extensive.

Popcorn Ceilings

Many older homes feature textured ceilings known as popcorn or cottage cheese. During their heyday they were very popular because they were cheaper than smooth drywall and could hide imperfections in the underlying drywall. The texture also helped reduce noise. Unfortunately, they often harbored a dangerous ingredient – asbestos. These textured ceilings were built before the dangers of asbestos became widely known. Asbestos is a toxic material that can cause mesothelioma and other serious illnesses. It is not surprising that people want to get rid of these textured ceilings.

The good news is that if you have unpainted popcorn ceilings, you can simply scrape them down with a putty knife or taping trowel. However, painted popcorn ceilings are much more difficult to remove. First, you need to spray water on the surface to saturate the texture and allow it to release from the drywall. Next, you will need to sand the ceiling down with a hand or power sander. It is recommended that you wear a dust mask during this process as it will be hazardous to your health.

You should also shut off the breaker to any light fixtures or ceiling fans before you start. If you do not, you may accidentally spray water into these fixtures and damage them. Once the ceiling is sanded down, you can apply a new type of texture like knockdown or orange peel that is more en vogue today.

Ceiling Tiles

Ceiling tiles provide a finished appearance to a room and hide flaws and irregularities. They can also help reduce noise in a space. They can be made of a variety of materials, including mineral fiber, fiberglass, gypsum, perlite, clay or metal. They can be rated for fire resistance, light reflectance or acoustic performance. Many are treated with antimicrobial and chemical flame retardant chemicals to improve their durability.

Many older ceiling tiles contain asbestos. If not properly handled, inhaling these fibers can cause deadly lung diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. Homeowners should consult a licensed contractor if they suspect their ceilings contain asbestos.

If you’re replacing damaged ceiling tiles, check the label on the new tile for information about its content and construction. Choose a non-toxic alternative that can be recycled or has a low volatile organic compound (VOC) rating. Avoid panels that use air-polluting glues or binders, such as formaldehyde, which can irritate the respiratory tract. Look for ceiling tiles with a high light reflectance, which can create brighter spaces and reduce energy costs.

When painting ceiling tiles, apply a thin coat of primer-sealer to seal any stains and provide a smooth surface. Then, touch up with a matching paint.

Patching and Repainting

A ceiling can easily become stained, cracked or damaged. Unlike wall damage, ceilings tend to go unnoticed over time but these issues should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent costly repairs later on. A leaking roof, water stain from a tub or toilet overflow or mold growth are common issues that can lead to the need for ceiling repairs.

Replacing or retouching peeled paint is a relatively easy process, but there are certain things you should know before doing it yourself or hiring a professional painting service to do it for you. First and foremost, always use a quality primer, ideally one that’s water-resistant for high moisture areas. You should also be sure to sand the patched area before applying any new paint in order to create a smooth surface that’s ready for a fresh coat of color.

If you have a stipple textured ceiling, the patching process will be a bit more involved. It requires removing the existing stipple, changing the drywall to match, then taping, mudding, sanding and priming before painting. Using the right tools and techniques is essential for this process, as well as the proper ventilation.

You’ll also want to be sure to use safety goggles that fully cover your eyes as you may need to work at heights. Also, always have extra stipple or drywall material on hand to ensure you can make up any mistakes during the repair process.

Structural Issues

As your home ages, the ceiling will naturally experience wear and tear. Recognizing the signs of damage and making regular checks to monitor the condition of your ceilings will help you control repair costs and avoid structural issues down the road.

Cracks on your ceiling can be a significant issue, especially if they’re wide or appear at junctions where the ceiling meets walls. While hairline cracks are common and usually merely cosmetic, more significant cracks may indicate structural problems that require a construction specialist to examine. Water stains are another common problem that can compromise the integrity of your ceiling and lead to mold and mildew issues. Addressing water infiltration promptly can mitigate the impact on your ceiling and prevent costly repairs down the road.

Structural settling, sometimes referred to as “cracking” of the ceiling, often occurs due to environmental factors and the natural expansion and contraction of building materials over time. This movement may also be the result of improper installation or construction techniques. A bowed ceiling is another sign of serious structural issues and requires immediate evaluation by a professional. If left unchecked, these structural problems could cause the ceiling to collapse. In addition to requiring extensive repair work, these issues can lead to major damage to the structure of your home. In most cases, these structural problems can be corrected with the assistance of a structural engineer and the necessary reinforcements to support beams.